Current House

This is our current home. I would love to call it our forever home, but I know myself. However, it is the last one in this neighborhood we will do. If we ever leave, it will be to move closer to any one of our children in the future.

Unfortunately, we lived in the house while most of the work was being done. We had about 30 days of demo and major redo’s before we had to move in. The bulk of the work was done through 2020 while CoVid was wreaking havoc on everything, so I ended up doing a huge portion of the work because I couldn’t get people who were available. Other than hiring the main trades (plumber, electrician, and my favorite floor guy) I did all the painting, some drywall, and the finishing work. Thank heavens for YouTube, because if I didn’t know how to do something, that is where I went.