Become a Retailer

Are you interested in carrying Bungalow 47™ Furniture Paint in your shop? We’d love to be a part of your paint offerings! Here’s what we’re looking for in our retailers:

  • Boutique locations that focus on vintage furnishings and home decor—either your own retail shop or a multivendor boutique
  • Ability to purchase an initial order and maintain inventory levels necessary to suit your customers needs
  • Consistent business hours 
  • Location in the U.S. 

If this sounds like you, please fill out an application by clicking on the Apply Now tab below. Submissions will be reviewed and may take 1–2 business days to be thoughtfully considered. We will contact you via email. If you have questions that you would like answered quickly, message us directly at Also, please confirm that your application was correctly submitted by waiting for the acceptance at the end. If technology has failed us and you do not see this, please contact us, we don’t want to miss you!

What our retailers are saying about Bungalow 47 furniture paint
give it a try

Paint can be a great product to bring revenue to your shop

Are you looking for a product that can help you build that ‘know, like and trust’ relationship with your customers? Furniture Paint not only provides a solution to the ‘how can I make this more my style’ query, but allows you to connect with that consumer by showing them how you use it (seen on furniture you sell), what techniques are possible (through classes you can offer), and how you can help them update their space with other items you offer.