By, Jill Rinner
Do you love gingham? And have you been looking for a gingham pattern wallpaper but just can't find the color and size you want?
Well, look no further. It's time to paint your own!
All you need is paint, a few levels in different lengths, and a pencil and you will be ready in no time!
project cost under
Choose 3 shades of a color:
The colors don't even need to be on the same color chip. Choose a light shade, a medium shade, and a darker shade.
After a few quick measurements:
Draw your lines directly on the wall using a pencil. You will be drawing a simple grid pattern.
Begin with the lightest shade:
I painted mine freehand, but you could tape it off if you want to. Only the top and bottom horizontal lines needs to be straight. Paint every other square, skip a row, and repeat.
The vertical lines need to be straight. These get painted on the rows you didn't paint before.
The darkest shade gets painted last:
All sides of the darkest shade need to be straight, as it finishes the pattern.
You can see how quickly it comes together:
3 shades of one color come together to create the gingham pattern.
The best part:
If you ever get sick of it, you can just paint right over it!